Black week !

-50% on The Program


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The Belly Lab workshop in Lisbon

flat belly workshop

The 8 & 15th of June, I had the opportunity to share my TBL’s exercices with some members of the JNcQUOI Club in Lisbon, Portugal.

Maintaining your perineum : the benefits

Maintaining your perineum : the benefits Half hidden, half invisible, the perineum is usually unknown to women until they have their first delivery. At this stage, they will be taught to strengthen the perineum (perineal re-education), but will they be aware of the consequences later on when it’s not strong? How to find out where […]

Losing your pregnancy belly

Losing your pregnancy belly You’ve just given birth! After 9 months of waiting and a remarkable labor for delivery, baby is finally here! You are at the height of happiness and you are right. On the other hand, there is one who is not happy at all and who is sulking, it’s our perineum… When […]